Thursday, February 25, 2010

Under the bridge

Last night 6 kids and 3 adults went down to join the Lost Sheep Ministry crew feed the homeless of Knoxville. I wish more kids had gone but I am very proud of the ones who did go. It was really cold and windy. The snow even started blowing under the bridge by the time we were cleaning up. One mother was there with her 10 1/2 month old baby. Another child about 2 years old was being carried around. The generator did not work so there was very limited lighting. In a barely lit area under a bridge in Knoxville, the 9 of us preached the gospel. Not with words but with actions. One lady told me she would be in a tent for the night. Others simply said they would find a place that blocked the wind. As we thawed out in the van on the way home we all were humbled thinking about what we were going home to.

High School Retreat

The high school retreat last weekend was completely flipped fromt he middle school one. We had 8 guys and 4 girls and 4 adults. The group was mostly young but we had a great time. We focused on priorities wit hthis group as well. Instead of going ice skating, we spent some time at the acquarium before walking around in downtown Gatlinburg. I feel like I have started a rook training school. We continue to get more that know how to play which is great as soon as they know how to play well. Taboo was very interesting. I realized how old I was when some of the clues I gave just got blank looks. I can't believe we went through almost the entire box of words. The raccoon didn't come back but we did have wasps to keep us entertained. I wish we would have known they were there before Marc stepped on one. For some reason, this retreat wasn't as loud as the one with the Middle Schoolers. Wonder why that is? Retreat season is over for another winter. Retreats are great. Spending time together away from all the distractions is great. How are we going to deal with 25 high schoolers next year? Got any suggestions?